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GETF is a key evolution to Irish approach on climate finance assistance to Malawi

27 Apr 2023

Remarks by the Irish Ambassador at The Green Economic Transition Facility (GETF) Launch at BICC on 26th April, 2023

Irish Ambassador to Malawi, Seamus O’grady, says launch of the Green Economic Transition Facility (GETF), on Wednesday April 26, 2023, marked a key evolution to the approach the Irish government has taken in supporting Malawi’s resilience to climate change.

In his speech at the business breakfast launch event, Ambassador O’grady celebrated the GETF as a unique facility that will “help in catalysing private sector led solutions in a robust and focused manner.”

He emphasised that “central to the concept of the GETF is the de-risking and accelerating growth of innovative ideas in alternative sources of green energy and fuel efficient solutions.”

These solutions, he added, are those “that have been perceived to be too risky, behaviourally difficult to pursue by private sector, or as having too low a financial return to go ahead on purely commercial terms, but which can have some development impact - in terms of environmental and social impact to the Malawian economy.”

For more, read Ambassador O’grady’s full speech available below:

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