26 May 2023
The Green Economic Transition Facility (GETF) window 1, round 1 – Accelerating Alternative Sources of Energy and Fuel-Efficient Solutions – has moved to the next step after the closure of the Expression of Interest (EOI) on May 19, 2023.
Project Manager Tambulani Chunga announced that an overwhelming number of companies showcased innovative ideas where GETF can partner to introduce or upscale alternative sources of green energy solutions.
“It was a very competitive process; not easy to shortlist for the next stage which is submission of proposals,” says Chunga, adding that successfull ideas have been shortlisted into the proposal stage.
“To ensure that these companies effectively present their proposals, we have organised a proposal writing workshop for all the shortlisted,” says Chunga, adding that the workshop will provide detailed guidance on preparation and submission of a full project proposal.
The workshop will further accord shortlisted companies a detailed explanation of how the grant funding system will work for successful recipients and the terms and conditions attached to the funding.
The first window of the GETF is being supported by the Irish government to boost at least 17 innovative ideas in alternative sources of green energy solutions for urban and peri-urban dwellers.
At the launch of the facility on April 26, 2023, Irish ambassador to Malawi, Seamus O’grady, said GETF was unique because it will “help in catalysing private sector led solutions in a robust and focused manner.”
On the other hand, UNDP Resident Representative Shigeki Komatsubara, said the agency is looking at innovatively deepening the support for private sector led, inclusive market development and green business models “as a means to contribute to poverty reduction through employment creation, income generation and overall economic development.
The facility is expected to have three windows of funding across three years.